The Technocracy is Already Here
The Technocracy is already here. It isn’t science fiction any more. Everyone is holding it in their hand. Soon it will be under your skin.
The WEF was started by both Klaus Schwab and George Soros. They operate under Soros’ concepts of an “open society.” There is nothing secretive about what they do. As sinister as it seems, everything is perfectly legal and they have been honest about it all, every step of the way.
‘The Great Reset’ is not a conspiracy. It’s an agenda and a plan, and the WEF has the trillions of dollars and corporatist network to implement that plan, and they are making it happen.
Digital IDs? They’re here…in Australia, Israel, Canada, New York, just to name a few places. Sadly, most people are largely complacent and stupid. They don’t even notice it obviously happening around them. Very few resist the technocratic encroachments. Personal freedom is slowly being snuffed out.